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KJ Leo

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KJ Leo
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Originally from Greater New Orleans area. My studio is located in Lake City and I am obsessed with working with resin.
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I am inspired by natural shapes, crystals, the moon, ebb and flow, and the cycle of life. This work allows me to live in the moment and provides an escape. When I am creating I am one with the moment and when I am not creating, I am dreaming about my future pieces. Crafting my art soothes my soul and makes me feel complete. Creating these pieces is like meditation for me.
The process of working with resin intrigues me because of the precise need for measurement when mixing the resin and the limited application time involved with each piece. I feel a certain stress because of the minimal work time before the resin begins to set. But this stress leads to a hopeful anticipation and excitement to see how the resin takes shape and flows on it’s own before settling down and curing. Resin does what it does and that may be why I am so obsessed. Even the most well thought out plans change, as the resin does it’s resin thing. It is because of this that I love working in this medium. The unpredictability mirrors life but it all works out in the end.

Lake City
KJ Leo