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I work in several styles and mediums so the steps can vary but for the most part sketch,draw,paint is typical. Thought and ideal are the driving force in my creative process.
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In more ways than one my art is like one of those electrons in quantum physics that keep popping in and out of time and space. Born addicted to shapes and lines I tend to Value variety over anything else so I work in several styles. Primarily I work in acrylics witch allows me to work on many surfaces, chairs lamps all kinds of furniture it seems to satisfy the sculptor in me. Waves of potential come together for me in each piece inviting the conscious observers to play a role in co-creation ( Just my way of saying we're all in this together ) . Children are drawn to my work I believe I speak a playful language of color that they understand clearly. I am still in awe of the movement of the female form and her profound Cosmic responsibility, as a motif she is the undercurrent of much of my work. I would like for my artwork to be portals to other worlds other ideas full of positive intention where entangled energies and matter come together in a moment of observation, that would be cool.

52 years old