Sponsors: Arts and Humanities Bainbridge (AHB), Bainbridge Public Art Committee (PAC) and the City of Bainbridge Island (COBI)
Honoraria: $30,000 divided between up to 5 selected Artists for up to 5 different pieces
Eligibility: Open to all local artists – Regional (Washington)
Application (Electronic) Deadline: Mar 15 – May 12, 2023
Project Description:
An opportunity to have public art permanently placed in the private townhome community
located at Wintergreen Lane and High School Road. Art will be positioned outdoors, within the
community in high visibility areas such as the entrance and Wintergreen Lane median. Other
possible locations include the common greens in the west and east sections of the community.
Selected works remain on display indefinitely.
Arts Humanities Bainbridge and its Public Art Committee, a sub-committee of Arts Humanities
Bainbridge, has contracted with Wintergreen Townhomes as the program manager facilitating
the above commissions.
About Wintergreen:
Wintergreen aims to provide 73 much-needed local housing units aimed at low and moderate
income range Islanders. Of those 73 units, 31 of them are intended to be income-qualified
affordable housing units – available only to households making 80% or less of Area Median
Income. That means that they would be available only to individuals with a current annual
income of not more than $52k, two-person families earning up to $60k, three-person families
with income of up to $67k et al).
● A budget of $30,000.00 commission for selected Artist(s)
● Marketing and PR to include a feature on Currents, hosted by AHB as well as in local
community publications
● Featured in the Opening Reception events in September of 2023 and promoted by
Bainbridge Downtown Association First Friday Downtown Art Walk/Moonlight Market.
(public / social gatherings permitted)
Submission Process
Each Artist may submit up to five (5) pieces of artwork for review via email to
[email protected].
Artists who do not wish to submit via email may choose to submit directly to AHB using
Dropbox. If submitting using Dropbox, Artists should upload their application materials (as
outlined under ‘Submission Requirements’) as Word documents. All files submitted to Dropbox
must have the Artist’s name included in the file name so that we can keep each Artist’s
application materials together.
Submission Requirements Include:
● Artist’s Resume (no more than 2 pages)
● Artist’s Statement
● Artist’s Contact Information
● Description of Artwork or proposed Artwork
● Indicate preference for site (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 as described below, or no preference)
● 3-5 Images of each submission with annotated Image List: (2000 words limit) – Please limit artwork to
pieces created within the past 10 years. Please include the title, medium, and
dimensions, along with descriptive text (up to 75 words) for each sample.
● Include anticipated installation requirements for each submittal.
Full call here: https://www.bainbridgecurrents.com/classified/wintergreen-townhomes-call-for-art/
Tagged: art, outdoor, outdoor sculpture, public art, sculpture
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