Call to Artists
43rd Annual WASH Open Watercolor Exhibition 2021
Sacramento, California
August 31 – September 25
WASH-Watercolor Artists of Sacramento Horizons announces a call to all watercolor artists
Best of Show $300, Awards of Excellence $100 each plus other awards.
JUROR OF SELECTION, Myrna Wacknov, AWS, NWS, CWA – http://www.myrnawacknov.com
JUROR OF AWARDS, Juan Peña – http://www.juanpenaart.com
WASH cordially invites all watercolor artists to enter our annual juried International Open Show. This will be a gallery show in the Sacramento Fine Art Center Gallery with a tandem online show. Accepted work: original paintings using water-based medium, either transparent or opaque, is acceptable. These include: transparent watercolor, tempera, casein, gouache, watercolor inks and acrylic (no impasto). For complete show rules see prospectus. For help photographing and submitting your work, contact the show coordinator by email [email protected]
Enter at: http://www.smarterentry.com/CallsForEntry
Shipped artwork deadline Aug. 20
More Info: http://www.sacramentowatercolor.org/go-with-the-flow-wash-annual-open-show/
https://www.sacramentowatercolor.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021WASHOpenShowProspectus20210409.pdfPhone: 916-971-3713
WASH Website: https://www.sacramentowatercolor.org/
Email: [email protected]