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Artist network & marketplace for Seattle & Pacific Northwest art communities.
Celebrating Over 25 Years - 1999-2024!

Summer Exhibition: Community Art Show at Momentum SoDo

Deadline to Apply/Register: 05/31/2023 - EXPIRED

    • #81703
      Posted By: Claire

      The climbing gym Momentum SoDo is throwing this summer art show from June 14-August 14.

      A call for any Seattle area 2-D visual artists. Submit your work to be exhibited. Work will be shown on the walls of the front room near the desk at the gym. All work exhibited will also be for sale.

      This art show is to celebrate local artists and provide a space to show their work. Artists will receive total compensation for all work sold.

      An opening night is scheduled for June 14. Light refreshments to be provided.

      Terms to Apply:

      -No application fee.

      -You will be notified if accepted.

      -Artists must submit 3-5 images of work they’d like to sell. Provide title, dimensions and medium of piece. Works can be max 3 ft by 3 ft, but only 1 piece will be shown at that size.

      -Artists can hang multiple pieces of varying smaller sizes.

      -There is limited space, so not everyone will be accepted. Of the chosen artists 1-3 pieces per artist will be chosen. Not every piece will necessarily be accepted.

      -Artists are responsible for the display of their work. This means providing frames, hanging materials, labels containing the title, price, medium, and artist name/contact for each work.

      -Art needs to be dropped off with required materials June 12-13, during Momentum SoDo gym hours.

      -Art needs to be picked up by artists August 14. These are hard dates.

      -The gym is not going to house your art for storage outside of these dates.

      -If you sell a piece, you receive 100% compensation. Please hang up another piece in place of the sold one for the duration of the show. MomentumSODOartshow2023


      Send submissions to Claire Yandell (the curator/artist) at [email protected]

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