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Schacktoberfest Art Exhibit 2021 – DL: 08/13/2021

    • #59079
      Posted By: APowell

      Schack Art Center is looking for fall/Autumn, harvest, and Halloween themed/color/vibe art for our annual Schacktoberfest exhibit. All mediums and price points are welcome to submit! We are looking for all forms of paintings, drawing, pottery, glass, jewelry, and anything else you can think up! This is a juried exhibit with limited space, but free to enter! This festive juried exhibit will accompany our glass pumpkin patch in the main gallery.

      Please read all instructions for entering below:

      Entries due by August 13th

      Notifications out by August 20th

      Please send all entries via email to [email protected] by August 13th.
      Artists are allowed up to six images.
      Send ALL images in ONE email with your full name/email/phone in the body of the email.
      Label each image with artist name, piece title, medium, size and price.
      Send only jpgs and make sure to label each jgp with information listed above.
      Do not send pdfs, website links or Dropbox entries.
      Label each image with a number 1-6 and include information about each piece in the body of your email corresponding to the numbered jpg. (Artists name, piece title, medium, size, price, and any other additional information about your piece we should know), this needs to be consistent with the information on the labeled jpg.

      Delivered artwork must be the artwork that was submitted and accepted!

      All submitted and accepted artwork needs to be for sale, with Schack Art Center taking 40% commission.

      There is no fee to enter this exhibit.

      Please send any questions about this exhibit or entering your artwork to [email protected].

      Information regarding accepted work and delivery times, dates, instructions and further details will be sent in future notifications.

      Helpful tip (reading and following all instructions and sending a clear clean submission with quality images and all requested information will help your chances of acceptance) please contact Josey Wise at [email protected] with any questions.

      Exhibit dates September 23rd-November 6th.

      Schacktoberfest activities and festivities are hoped to be held, with information to come.

      Delivery for accepted works Monday, September 13th (details to be sent in accepted works notifications).

      Deadline: August 13, 2021

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