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Pratt Fine Arts Center 2024 Scholarships & Awards

Deadline to Apply/Register: 07/31/2023 - EXPIRED

    • #82496
      Joe Admin
      Posted By: Joe Admin


      The applications for Pratt’s 2024 scholarships & awards are now open!

      This cycle, Pratt is offering 10 scholarships, totaling $25,200. Artists from all backgrounds, ages, and art-making experience are invited to explore the list of scholarships. Each scholarship has its own application criteria and there are online & printer-friendly versions available.

      The application deadline for all 2024 scholarships & awards is Monday, July 31, 2023.

      Special thanks to our generous donors and partner organizations for your support in providing these opportunities: Bernie Funk; friends and family of Lillian Yeh; Mary & Gary Molyneaux; National Endowment for the Arts (NEA); Jon and Mary Shirley Foundation; Pohlman Knowles Studio; RBC Wealth Management; Seattle Print Arts (SPA); and Society of Inclusive Blacksmiths (SIBS).
      Learn more by visiting & spread the word by sharing this information out to your community!

      pratt-scholarship post _june news


      Posted By:
      Joe AdminJoe Admin
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