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Plein Air Workshop- Snoqualmie Valley-Ned Mueller OPA AIS Master

Deadline to Apply/Register: 06/15/2024 - EXPIRED

    • #92397
      Ned Mueller
      Posted By: Ned Mueller

      This workshop will be held on June 21st -23rd. Time 9am -4pm each day. Cost is $375  We will mostly be painting in the Snoqualmie Valley area, about 40 minutes east of Seattle. It is a beautiful valley, surrounded by mountains and wooded hillsides. Rivers and streams flow through it. Mostly open farmland with a rich variety of ground cover and farm buildings.

      We will mostly be working in smaller works…8″x10″ to 11″x14″, doing a quick little preliminary study in a sketchbook and focusing on the “process” of creating a work of “Art”, knowing and thinking about the principles of Design, simply put… if we apply them, our paintings will be better! We will talk about concept, and thinking about what we are going to do ahead of time..after teaching for over 60 years, I am convinced most paintings are ruined at the we don’t take the time to think ahead and using a quick sketch to get some ideas down in simple value arrangements.

      We will talk a lot about design and color harmony..capturing that special time and place that we have chosen to paint.

      I will be giving a demo each morning for about an hour or so and students will have the rest of the day to work as I go around with praise and advice on what one might do to make your painting better. Hopefully, you will leave the workshop, inspired and motivated to incorporate what you have learned about moving your work to a higher level! Go to this link below or my website and in the menu click on workshops for more information and to register. with multiple images with images



      Oil Paints: Titanium white, lemon yellow, cadmium yellow lite, cadmium orange, cadmium red lite, alizarin crimson, transparent brown oxide, chromium green oxide, viridian, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black. Brushes: I mostly use bristle brushes, mainly filberts and brights #2,#4,#6,#8,#10. I usually have at least two or three of each. I will use some round sables for detail or to sign my name. I mostly use ready made oil primed linen panels to paint on, anywhere from 4″x6″ to 12″x16″ to paint outside. Bring a variety of sizes including 8″x10″,9″x12″,11″x14″ to paint on. Some places to get panels are listed on line or go to Daniel Smith or Dick Blick in Seattle to get panels..linen are the best..but do the best you can. Have a good easel such as the French easel, backpack easel or one of the many good pochade paint boxes on the market. Some of them are:,   www.openboxm  Get a good brush cleaner can to clean your brushes with and a small cup for your medium. I use odorless turpentine or minersal spirits to clean brushes and for medium. I usually use a glass or plexiglass palette, wood palettes are fine as are the fold out palette pals. Please, no paper palettes. I have a palette knife and/or a scraper to clean my palette and a roll of paper towels to clean my palette and brushes with. Don’t wear bright shirts as they reflect into you canvas and affect the color.  Equipment and paints do get expensive, and do the best you can, but cheap paints, brushes and panels can really keep a person from doing their best work.  We will probably just be doing smaller studies in the 6″x8″ to 9″x12″ range to get people warmed up.  Bring a folding chair to relax on for watching critiques or eating lunch.  Bring a good sense of humor and we will work hard and have a good time doing it!


      email: [email protected]

      Posted By:
      Ned MuellerNed Mueller
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