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Plein Air Workshop-Ned Mueller thru Gage Academy-Seattle : Deadline :06/01/2022

    • #64670
      Ned Mueller
      Posted By: Ned Mueller

      Gold Creek Valley

      Plein Air Workshop with Ned Mueller-through the Gage Academy in Seattle:  Dates and time: 06/03/2022 to 06/05/2022. 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM  Cost: $401. Workshop limited to 10 Students.

      Landscape painting is mostly about learning how to see; how to interpret, compare and edit the shapes and colors of the scene we choose to paint. We will try to see things less literally, in more of an “Abstract” way. In other words, to not see literally the mountains, trees, grass, water, etc. but to see them as an interesting and beautiful arrangement of shapes and colors. This is to see them more as an artist and it then opens up a whole lot more possibilities for things to paint and also helps us find our own voice. Students will concentrate on the process of painting and not be so concerned with doing “finished” paintings, as it frees them up to learn with less pressure. Students will work on what makes a plein air painting work; the mood, rhythm and movement along with an interesting and compelling arrangement of values, masses and color. Ned will do class demonstrations and will work with each individual as to their own personal needs. we will also have group critiques. We will meet at the Gage Academy School each morning and the plan is to paint in that area at least the first day and will drive to other areas depending on the weather. If the weather is wet we work inside a studio at the school and work there as needed. A chance to learn how to see opportunities for paintings in whatever setting that you are in!  Ned says “Bring a sense of humor, we will work hard and have a good time doing it.”



      Posted By:
      Ned MuellerNed Mueller
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