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Painting with Elizabeth Zanzinger

    • #29493
      Posted By: whidbeyislandfas

      This three-day oil painting workshop will focus on specific observational skills to help you create more efficient, lively, and accurate alla-prima portrait paintings from life.

      Elizabeth will demonstrate time-saving techniques with a contemporary palette to achieve painterly results that reflect the sitter’s uniqueness. Emphasis will be placed on drawing and fresh color, with demos and helpful individual feedback throughout. Each day, new concepts will be discussed that will help build your skill set and application of paint.

      Special attention will also be given to anatomy and the dynamics of color and light. Each day we will work with a new model so we can practice achieving the individual characteristics that lead to a solid likeness and a successful portrait study.

      All levels are welcome. The cost for this 3-day workshop is $450. The workshop will be held November 10-12, 2017. Sign up at:

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