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Free Workshop April 9: Polish Your Small Business Website

    • #34088
      Posted By: Lisa

      Free Workshop April 9 - Polish your small business website

      Who it’s for: Calling all non-design small business entrepreneurs!! Perfect for fine artists, makers, contractors, landscapers, and other creatives!

      You’ve worked hard to polish your product to make a great impression.
      Now it’s time to get your website polished, too.

      • Do you have customers but no web site?
      • Are you building a website and don’t know where to begin?
      • Perhaps you have a website but your visitors are not contacting you?

      Your visitors desperately want to be your customer. If they can’t find their need on your website, they will shop with your competitor.

      And that’s money walking out the door.

      Today, we’ll talk about how to attract, persuade, and assure customers with your small business website—and keep money walking in the door.

      Join me Monday, April 9 at 4:30 at IndiChocolate.

      Did I mention that it’s free? Why yes I did!
      More info:

      PS. Please share with any of your friends who own/run small businesses. TIA!

      I hope to see you there!

      Keep Building!
      Cheers, Lisa
      Brand Image Design Specialist

      Posted By:
    • #34113
      Posted By: ChrissaStar

      Do I need to bring anything to class? (I will bring my laptop.)

      I have a website that I have been working on (for waay too long) and I haven’t made it live yet. Will this class help me finish it? (Clearly this requires the wrong side of my brain. 😓)



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