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Connecting your Artist to Grace and Ease Workshop

    • #31294
      Lee Kennedy Artist
      Posted By: Lee Kennedy Artist


      Connecting your Artist to Grace and Ease workshop

      Are you an artist who wants to transform your relationship to your art?

      Are you curious to see how your art can live its own life and have its own purpose?

      Do you like being a part of a creative process?

      Then this workshop is for you.


      We are inviting people to participate in a pilot version of our Artist workshop to bring more grace and ease in the relationship between your artist and your art.  We are offering this pilot version of our workshop for $1,375.  This is a savings of 50% off of the 2018 registration fee, which will be $2,750.


      This 3-day workshop will:

      ·       Enhance your presence as an artist

      ·       Connect you to how to do your art with grace and ease

      ·       Help you recognize how your art inspires others

      ·       Clarify the fulfillment and purpose of your art work

      We will be offering these 3-day workshops monthly, on the following dates:

      ·       September 29 – October 1, 2017

      ·       October 27 – 29, 2017

      ·       November 17 – 19, 2017

      ·       December 15 – 17, 2017

      Each workshop allows for 10 participants, so be sure to sign up for the dates that fit your schedule!

      Just as a reminder, we are looking for people who are curious, adventurous, who like to be part of the co-creative process, and love the idea of engaging and giving feedback.  If you prefer to wait for the more polished version, please let me know and we’ll notify you when we kick off the 2018 workshops.


      To sign up or for more information, please contact Lee Kennedy at  [email protected] Connected Artist

      Posted By:
      Lee Kennedy ArtistLee Kennedy Artist
    • #31697
      Joe Admin
      Posted By: Joe Admin

      Hi Lee,

      When you are viewing the post you want to edit, you should see a gray bar at the top with a link to “edit” the post. It should look similar to this below:

      Please let me know if you do not see it.


      Posted By:
      Joe AdminJoe Admin
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