Attention 3D Artists!
Holiday Show 3D ‘Call for Art’ at Schack Art Center Schack Art Center is looking for 3D artists to submit artwork to our annual Holiday Show. We are looking for 3D works in glass, pottery, wood, sculpture, jewelry, handmade gift items and more, to accompany our featured exhibit of the Korean American Artists Association of Washington State (KAAW).
All price points are welcome to submit!
Here are a few important dates, requirements and submission information:
Submission deadline October 29, 11:59pm
Submission requirements: No application fee (free to submit).
The Schack Art Center is mainly looking for 3D pedestal work, there is NO wall space available for this exhibit. Some small 2D work may be submitted with the understanding a very select amount will be accepted and it will NOT go on the walls.
Thank you!
All artworks must be original and created by the artist.
This is a juried selection process; please note that not all submitted work will be selected.
Artists may submit up to six images (JPGs only). Label each jpg image file with artist name/piece title(If applies)/medium/size/ price. Please do not send links, pdfs, drop box and the like. These entries will be disqualified. Include all image information in the body of the email coordinating with the jpg images sent. Please include your full name and contact information in the body of the email. Please send all images and submission in one complete email only. Title email as SCHACK Holiday Show Submission.
If currently showing in the gallery store, please do not submit the same work to the holiday show exhibit. Artwork submitted must be new, and up to gallery standards. No “seconds” please.
Schack Art Center receives 40% commission on all sales.
Please send all submissions (and questions) via email to Josey Wise at [email protected]