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Alla Prima Still Life and Figure Painting Workshop with David Shevlino in Oct.

    • #56900
      Posted By: whidbeyislandfas

      Date: October 22-25, 2021
      Tuition: $600
      Skill level: all levels
      WhereWhidbey Island Fine Art Studio, 813 Edgecliff Drive, Langley, WA  98260
      More information and registration:

      This class is about painting alla prima (wet into wet) and the techniques used to create a fresh, painterly response to our subjects. Be prepared to use large brushes for big, bold strokes of paint. Students will learn to look at a subject, still life and the figure, and see it in terms of large basic shapes.

      Working on a toned ground, we’ll start by sketching and placing the subject on the canvas and determining a composition. For the figure we begin by blocking in a midtone on a gray canvas, then add darks, highlights and different color temperatures. We’ll use a similar approach when painting still life.

      By using large brushes and strokes of paint, we learn to simplify form, values and color. We also learn to interpret and break down planes into large swathes of color instead of becoming distracted by small details. This helps us to paint our subjects with greater clarity, tonal harmony and directness. This class will be particularly helpful to students who wish to paint more loosely and to paint their subject with greater economy.

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