Abstraction in Blue
Online November 23- December 21, 2024
Application deadline October 7, 2024.
Today we have the terms navy, indigo, aqua, cyan, teal and others. However, humanity lacked a word for the color through the time of Homer who, in the Iliad and Odyssey used the phrase “wine-dark” to refer to the sea. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance the use of ultramarine blue pigment in artwork became a symbol of power and wealth as the pigment itself was worth more in its weight than gold. By the time George Gershwin released Rhapsody in Blue in 1924, colors were often associated with moods and emotions. The infamous Jazz composition further illustrated how something could reflect the mood of a color through sound alone.
How does the use of blue in an artwork today affect its composition? What is the symbolism if any? This show aims to bring together a collection of international abstract artworks that utilize blue in a fashion vital to their compositions. While the abstract artworks need not exclusively be monochrome, blue should be the main character.
Media: Original 2D and 3D artworks. Glass, Fiber, Jewelry, Functional, Digital, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Photography, Installation and Mixed media
All are welcome to apply
Call Type: Online Exhibition
Call Eligibility: International, ages 18+
Entry Dates: Now – October 7
Exhibition Dates: November 23 – December 21, 2024
Entry Fee: $25 for the first 3 submissions, then an additional $5 up to six pieces.
Commission: Gallery retains a 35% commission on all online exhibition sales.
Shipping and Delivery: N/A artists will house the artworks the duration of the exhibition.
Location: artsy.net
Juror: Selected pieces are juried by the curators at Gallery B612.
Media: Original 2D and 3D artworks. Glass, Fiber, Jewelry, Functional, Digital, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Photography, Installation and Mixed media
October 7, 2024. The application process closes at midnight.
October 11, 2024: Notification of accepted work will be sent out
October 11- 25 : Additional photographs to be uploaded to a drive and any additional artwork information to be uploaded (to be provided after acceptance.)
December 21: Exhibition Closes
Gallery Artwork Requirements:
All work must be original, unsold work, and the artist must own the sole copyright to art.
Accepted artwork photographs will be:
Well lit with no glare
Captured on a white/black backdrop.
Captured as it would look when displayed – with the frame or edge of artwork visible.
Frames, mats and wiring must be professional quality and in good condition. MUST BE READY TO PURCHASE
No NSF works will be considered for the show. Consignment will be required for selected pieces in order to be exhibited in the show.
Questions? Contact [email protected]
Apply on our website: https://www.galleryb612.com/abstractioninblue